Why You Should See a Podiatrist

Podiatrists are medical specialists dedicated to foot, ankle, and leg care. They are trained to help patients with various foot problems, such as arthritis, diabetes, ingrown toenails, and even hammertoes.


Ingrown toenails

Having ingrown toenails can be very painful, mainly if they cause infection. It is a severe problem that should be treated promptly by a podiatrist. They can provide proper treatment for the condition and are knowledgeable about ingrown toenails and other foot disorders.


The first step in preventing ingrown toenails is to keep your nails appropriately cut. They should be trimmed straight across, with no curves, to prevent them from growing inward.


Soaking your feet in warm, soapy water can also help ease the discomfort and swelling of ingrown toenails. You can also massage the ingrown toenail area, increasing blood flow and promoting healing.


A podiatrist Adelaide can also help you prevent ingrown toenails. They are trained to help treat bone and skin problems and can prescribe the proper treatment for your condition. Ingrown toenails can be painful and cause redness, swelling, and pain. In addition, they may require a surgical procedure. Fortunately, most patients have minimal downtime after the process.


If your ingrown toenail is causing infection, the podiatrist may need to prescribe antibiotics. They may also need to perform diagnostic tests, such as a blood test, to determine the cause of the infection. They may also prescribe a corticosteroid cream to help relieve the symptoms.


You may also need to have your ingrown toenail removed. In this case, a podiatrist will numb your toe so that you don’t experience pain during the procedure.



Those with calluses or corns should see a podiatrist. These foot conditions can be painful and lead to other problems. A podiatrist can perform surgery or shave calluses safely and without damaging the skin. In addition, seeing a podiatrist can help prevent infection and prevent scarring.


Calluses are thick areas of skin that develop on the bottom of the feet. They are caused by prolonged pressure or friction against the skin. If left untreated, calluses can develop into ulcers and other conditions.


Calluses can occur on the toes, heels and other foot areas. They may require surgical removal if they develop over bony lumps or bumps. Surgical callus removal is a safe procedure, but it’s essential to be careful when removing calluses.


The best way to treat calluses is to discover why they develop. For example, calluses may develop when there’s too much pressure from wearing shoes that are too tight. Changing to shoes with more room for your feet can help prevent calluses. In addition, wearing orthotic inserts in your shoes can help distribute weight evenly over the ball of your foot.


A podiatrist Adelaide can remove calluses from the bottom of your foot. First, he will remove the dead skin and numb the area with a local anesthetic. He may also take X-rays. He will then smooth the callous edges with a Dremel device.


Surgical callus removal is also recommended for people with diabetes and circulation problems. In these cases, calluses can spiral out of control and cause infection. They can also cause amputation.



Whether you are experiencing pain in your toes or have an abnormal bend in one or more of your toes, you should visit a podiatrist to discuss your options. They can examine your toes to determine if you have a hammer toe and offer you an appropriate treatment plan.


A hammer toe is a joint foot deformity. It is an abnormal bend in the reciprocal of the middle toe. Hammer toes can become uncomfortable, cause pain, and deform the ligaments of the toe. The best way to avoid them is to wear shoes that fit well and are supportive.


When you visit a podiatrist, you can find out whether you have a hammer toe and should wear shoe inserts. You can also get cortisone shots and padding to help reduce the pain. Sometimes, you may need to wear a splint to realign the toes.

You can also opt for a custom orthotic. Custom orthotics are designed to support your foot correctly. They can also help control muscle imbalance.


The best way to avoid a hammer toe is to avoid pointed shoes and high heels. Wearing a shoe with a low heel can also prevent a hammer toe from forming.

A hammer toe may not be the best thing that ever happened to you, but it can be embarrassing to have a foot deformity. Therefore, you should seek treatment before your hammer toe worsens.


Morton’s neuroma

Patients may be advised to wear orthotics that are customised to reduce pressure on the nerve. In addition, the podiatrist may recommend anti-inflammatory medication to reduce inflammation. Rest, ice therapy, and foot pads can also relieve stress on the nerve.


Patients with Morton’s neuroma may require a unique orthotic to help decompress the football. In addition, surgery may be necessary to remove the offending neuroma if the pain persists.


The best way to treat Morton’s neuroma is to use conservative treatments. These treatments include rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and padding. However, surgery is considered a last resort.


Patients who experience pain lasting for more than six months may need to undergo surgery. The surgery may involve removing the offending neuroma or resectioning the offending nerve. If surgery is necessary, it is performed by a specialist foot surgeon.


Foot deformities can also increase pressure on the nerve. For example, a bunion may cause football to be more comprehensive. In addition, a sloping footbed may cause the front of the foot to bear more weight than the back. In addition, high heels can put additional pressure on the ball of the foot.



Whether you are newly diagnosed with diabetes or have been dealing with it for some time, it is essential to check your feet regularly. Your podiatrist can help you understand the signs and symptoms of foot problems and advise you on how to treat them.


There are several types of foot problems that can occur with diabetes. Infections can be hazardous and require medical treatment. Other issues include foot ulcers resulting from deformities, trauma, and poor circulation.


The best way to avoid infections is to control your blood sugar levels. In addition, you should see your doctor for regular check-ups and keep an eye out for unusual changes in temperature or colour.