Looking at your Viable Options to Treat Knee Problems

If you have suffered a knee injury and are suffering from pain and stiffness, you may need to consult a knee surgeon. A surgical procedure from AHKC to repair torn ligaments and tendons can be the only way to eliminate the pain. In this busy world, it can seem impossible to find someone in your area who can take time off work to spend an hour or more operating on your knee. When in doubt, ask other athletes about their surgeons?

Knee pain and stiffness are among the most common reasons to visit a doctor. Serious knee problems can have a severe effect on your quality of life. Here are tips outlining three main issues that require a visit to your local knee surgeon. Incision-related pain Chronic knee pain, as mentioned, is usually nothing to worry about. However, if you find yourself enduring more than 30% of your daily activities in a day with knee pain and stiffness, you should schedule an appointment with a knee scoping specialist.


A Knee Surgeon Adelaide will remove excess skin, ligaments, cartilage, and bones to repair your knee. This surgery may also be done to relieve pressure on the joint, repair fractures and rebuild cartilage after a traumatic injury. This type of surgery may be combined with an arthroscopic procedure to make a total knee replacement.

Total knee replacement surgeries are performed in hospitals or outpatient clinics by fully trained surgeons. The hospital stay for these procedures is brief, and the patient can leave a few hours after the surgery. Pain medications are typically prescribed, and you will have to support while at home. You will have to wear a supportive, knee brace for several days after the procedure.

If you have undergone this procedure, you will experience mild to moderate pain. Pain killers are usually the medication of choice. Since it is only during the first few days after the injury that you will experience any pain, you may be told to rest your knee until it heals. The first activities you will want to do are light exercises to rehabilitate your leg. Light exercises will help build up the muscles around your knee and strengthen the ligaments. Limp walking is one of the first things you will do since this will improve your blood circulation.

Non-operative treatment is also prescribed to help speed recovery. Some of the medications recommended include naproxen (Aleve) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Most patients do not take these medications because of their potential side effects, including stomach problems. Your doctor may prescribe an NSAID (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) to reduce inflammation and swell for more severe cases.

Treatments vary for this condition depending on its severity and cause. If you suffer from a Grade III knee injury, the most common reason for your pain and swelling is degeneration of the joint. This is a situation where the cartilage in your joint has suffered damage. Other reasons for pain and inflammation include meniscal tears, bursitis, strains, ligament sprains and subluxations.

Your Knee Surgeon Adelaide will determine what the proper course of action is for your condition. Most patients choose to make lifestyle changes and see if they can avoid further injury by resting their knees. Some patients find that physical therapy, chiropractic care or night splints are beneficial. Your orthopedic surgeon is your best source of information for the reasons behind your knee pain.

The most common pain relief for this condition is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). When taken for a long time, these drugs can decrease inflammation, but there is also a risk of toxic shock. Your doctor may recommend that you take over the counter NSAIDs to deal with severe pain and inflammation. There is also an over-the-counter option for a condition that involves the use of steroids. This option is called cortisone and should only be used as a last resort for severe pain and inflammation.

A majority of the knee injuries that occur in Australia are the result of trampoline-related accidents. This type of incident can cause ligament sprains and strains, knee joint dislocations, knee injuries related to sports accidents and traumatic knee injuries. Your doctor will let you know whether you are a candidate for these types of treatments.

If your injury is severe enough that not all of these treatments can be applied or your condition requires a lot more than the traditional NSAIDs, you may need to have a surgical procedure done. Transthoracic surgery, also known as total knee replacement, is the most common procedure performed by orthopedic surgeons from AHKC. This procedure allows for a complete reconstruction of the knee joint and surrounding area and dramatically improves function. Most people who undergo this procedure do not require further surgical procedures.