Decibel-Meter Buying Guide

A decibel meter is a device used to measure the level of sound, commonly in the context of noise reduction. Decibels are measurements of decibel intensity, measured in hertz. A good decibel-meter should provide accurate values at the levels of 30 decibels, although lower levels might be covered by other recommendations, e.g. low ceiling and closed doors.


To get the most from your decibel meter buying guide, it should cover all the essential functions necessary to make your job easier. You will need the device itself, a tripod or stand, batteries and the proper charger. The backlit LCD display is also recommended to view the levels in bright sunshine, or perhaps from inside your home or office. If you measure noise levels, the display should have an auto power back on function to turn the backlit LCD display on in an emergency.


The manufacturer’s specification is usually exact. However, this is not always the case, and manufacturers have to contend with a wide range of product specifications. Some of these specifications may not apply to your application. It helps to know the manufacturer’s reference frequency range, which can help determine the accuracy of the audio etc., referenced to the product. A low-frequency range may give inaccurate results, and so you must take care to check the frequency range as well.


You need to ensure that the manufacturer has not overestimated the measurement error since this can lead to faulty readings, giving false results. It is often better to purchase a decibel-meter with a built-in safety shut off feature to eliminate the possibility of under-reporting, resulting in inaccurate results. Some decibel meters are designed only to accept a single frequency source, while others accept multiple frequency sources. This can make it more suitable for industrial applications.


Many of the decibel meters have audio output options to test the device’s accuracy in the presence of other sounds in the environment. A good sound level meter will let you set the level at which the sound will be heard. You can then listen to levels near and far and get an accurate measurement of the sound level. If your location has no ambient sound or does not wish to take a precise measurement, there are models available with a microphone incorporated into the device to measure sound level directly from your computer monitor.


Before purchasing any decibel meter, you need to understand the different types and the appropriate situations to most likely be used. This will help you make a better decision about the right kind of product for your needs. Some of the most common decibel meters are digital sound level meters (DSP), electronic sound meters (ESM), and noise meters. Your decibel-meter needs should match your needs exactly. Take a look at all the available products in your decibel meter buying guide, and choose the one that works best for you!